CosplayPhotographers JULY/2014
In-Depth Interview


Reblog of Kotaku Story


GeekTyrant MARCH/2014
Jayne Cobb Feature


Kotaku / LazyGamer MARCH/2014 

Feature on the Katsucon 2014 Photos!


 Fashionably Geek SEPT/2013
Attack on Titan


Agents of Geek MAY/2013
Cosplayer Interview Showcasing Photos 


1000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas MAY/2013
Features a few of my Photos


Geek X Girls OCT/2012
Steampunk Poison Ivy


Kotaku AUG/2012
Feature on the Otakon 2012 Photos!


Kotaku JULY/2012
Feature on Anime Expo 2012 Photos


NerdCaliber NOV/2011
In-depth Interview  


PCGames SEPT/2011
German article Feature


Kotaku AUG/2011 
Feature on Cosplay Photography 

This area does not yet contain any content.



Upcoming Cons

-Colossalcon - June 7-9

-Anime Expo - July 4-7



Geek X Girls OCT/2012
Steampunk Poison Ivy


Cosplay Couture OCT/2012
Feature of Captain America


Kotaku AUG/2012
Feature on the Otakon 2012 Photos!


Kotaku JULY/2012
Feature on Anime Expo 2012 Photos


NerdCaliber NOV/2011
In-depth Interview  


PCGames SEPT/2011
German article Feature


Kotaku AUG/2011 
Feature on Cosplay Photography 


May Photoshoot Giveaway

It's been a while since I've done my last Rafflecopter contest, and with my 11th year at Anime North come and gone (started in 2004!), I'm putting up another contest for your chance to win a free cosplay photoshoot at a convention of your choice (one which I'll be attending of course). The theme this time is, Twitter. -Contest Ends on June 3rd 2014 at 9pm-

I joined twitter somewhat recently as I wanted to stay more in-tune with what people where up to, and do quick replies to short comments, with a simple interface, can't say the same for FB. It's been an easy experience thus far giving me a decent way of keeping on top of things. I want to get more social with more people, and people don't mind free photoshoots, so let's help each other out!

So for this contest, entrants can either Follow me on Twitter, which is worth one vote; or retweet this tweet, which is also worth one. If you're feeling daring and adventurous (and have some good rational skills) you can enter both. (If you're already following me on Twitter, then just hit the +1)

Here is the Form:

a Rafflecopter giveaway  

 Here is the Tweet you can retweet for another full vote, I will be checking for full authenticity. Winner will be randomly chosen by the Rafflecopter tool.



Regarding the photoshoot, check my calendar for which cons I'll be attending for the rest of the year, or even next year (Katsucon, etc...) If you win, I'll contact you by email and we'll arrange which convention you want to shoot at. (I'm not taking any more requests for Colossalcon, but if you win you can use it towards the Colossalcon shoot) You'll also get first dibs on the day and time of the shoot. As per regular photoshoot guidelines, you'll be entitled to 1 free shoot and can bring an additional model/cosplayer along for no additional cost. If you wish to bring more, it'll be the regular rate of $20 per person.

I will be choosing TWO winners this time around! : ) This literally doubles your chances of winning!

So be sure to participate if you can and good luck to everyone out ther, contest deadline is June 3 2014. Hope to see some new faces!


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