CosplayPhotographers JULY/2014
In-Depth Interview


Reblog of Kotaku Story


GeekTyrant MARCH/2014
Jayne Cobb Feature


Kotaku / LazyGamer MARCH/2014 

Feature on the Katsucon 2014 Photos!


 Fashionably Geek SEPT/2013
Attack on Titan


Agents of Geek MAY/2013
Cosplayer Interview Showcasing Photos 


1000 Incredible Costume and Cosplay Ideas MAY/2013
Features a few of my Photos


Geek X Girls OCT/2012
Steampunk Poison Ivy


Kotaku AUG/2012
Feature on the Otakon 2012 Photos!


Kotaku JULY/2012
Feature on Anime Expo 2012 Photos


NerdCaliber NOV/2011
In-depth Interview  


PCGames SEPT/2011
German article Feature


Kotaku AUG/2011 
Feature on Cosplay Photography 

This area does not yet contain any content.



Upcoming Cons

-Colossalcon - June 7-9

-Anime Expo - July 4-7



Geek X Girls OCT/2012
Steampunk Poison Ivy


Cosplay Couture OCT/2012
Feature of Captain America


Kotaku AUG/2012
Feature on the Otakon 2012 Photos!


Kotaku JULY/2012
Feature on Anime Expo 2012 Photos


NerdCaliber NOV/2011
In-depth Interview  


PCGames SEPT/2011
German article Feature


Kotaku AUG/2011 
Feature on Cosplay Photography 


Colossalcon 2014 Photoshoot Bookings

Colossalcon shoots are now open! I know everyone's been waiting for this one due to the Pluto-like freezing weather we've had the past few months. Fret not though, Summer is coming.

Update: Full! Thanks to all those we applied!

Give the following a read and just make sure you understand it, by sending me an email I will take it as an agreement to the following.


  • Photoshoot sessions last up to 45 minutes
  • Photoshoots remain at $40 per session, each additional model is an extra $20
  • Your preferred Photoshoot location should be at or somewhat near the convention area.
  • You will receive a minimum of 7 photos, with each additional 3-5 extra for each person to the overall number including group shots, each photo is at 2K resolution. Waiting time can vary but I will see to it that it doesn't go past 2-3 weeks.
  • Upon meeting-up, have a location in mind where you want to shoot; I can offer suggestions but would point to you being the first judge of where you'd like to shoot.
  • Bring a multitude of poses for me to capture! Reference photos help. Similar note, try and keep the shoot to 1-2 nearby locations, I don't want to go on long walks to multiple locations, this would also cut into your shoot time!
  • Once I'm done processing your shoot, I will send you an email containing a link to a ZIP folder where you'll find your photos in both regular and large sizes. 

Here are some etiquette notes:

  • Cosplayers in groups should be from the same series.
  • If you're running late, just shoot me a text to let me know. 
  • 5-10 minutes I'm ok with, but if you're half hour late, most of that time will be unfortunately taken out of the shooting time as I need to keep my schedule in order.
  • If you feel the need to cancel, contact me first we'll see if we can work something out. But don't informe me 5 minutes prior to the shoot that you cannot make it.
  • When you receive your photos, PLEASE DO NOT crop the photos to change orientation, make heavy modifications, remove watermark, or add cartoony effects.
  • You may, however, crop the photo so it works as an avatar image, or for a banner showcasing your costumes.
  • You may make *minor* additional changes to the photos with the intent of enhancing the photo. You may feel that a certain image looks a bit too dark or too desaturated sometimes, but understand this is the way I edited the photo, your monitor may not always reflect the photo properly as well.
  • No matter how much someone works on an image, someone else can always take the image and improve even more upon it.
  • IF you do make any modification, please run it by me first to OK-it as I've had many quality-issues in the past, we both want only good-quality photos of YOUR cosplay to be showcased!
  • When posting the images, include credit in the description, and make mention of any small edits you may have made.
  • You do not have rights to sell images to third-party publishers however, they will have to see me for any use of my images, I'm certain we can work something out.
  • I reserve the rights to use the images for publication, promotions, blog posts and online showcasing. 
  • If you're up all night before the photoshoot and can't get your costume done in time and decide to wear something else, no sweat! Just let me know of the change : )

So with all that information out and for you to work with, here is the form I will need you to fill out (with Colossalcon 2014 somewhere in the title) and email to me:






For Days and Times, I'm letting you decide on what would work for you. Give me a range of times ie: Sat 10am-2pm and 6pm-8pm & Sun 1-3pm. It'll benefit everyone to get their preferred times! Choose one of the three meet-up locations (remember, its just an easy-to-find meeting spot before heading out to your desired location for the actual shoot).

So fire away! I'll be looking over all the requests the next couple days. Please understand I may have to turn you down depending on demand as I am unable to do 12 shoots each day : ( I would love to have a photoshoot with everyone but unfortunately that's just unrealistic.

Thanks, Good luck, and see you at Colossalcon!


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